Introduction to Protractor
Protractor is an end-to-end test automation framework for Angular and AngularJS applications. Protractor API works as a wrapper over the most powerful Selenium WebDriver API, hence you will get all advantages that are available in WebDriver API and is built on top of WebDriverJS ie. WebDriver JavaScript that uses native events and browser specific drivers to interact with web based application You can use below Protractor framework: 1. Jasmine (Default) 2. Mocha 3. Cucumber Why Protractor: 1. Angular JS applications have some extra HTML attributes like ng-repeater, ng-controller, ng-model.., etc. which are not included in Selenium locators. Selenium is not able to identify those web elements using Selenium code. So, Protractor can handle and controls those attributes in Web Applications. 2. You cal also automate both AngularJS and Non AngularJS application. 3. Easy to achieve parallel execution by making small changes in config file. 4. It's an open source f...